Frequently Asked Questions For Student

Still you have any questions? Contact our Team via
Oops! Study is an online education platform that offers a wide variety of courses taught by expert teachers, focusing on personalized learning to help you succeed academically and professionally.
Simply click on the "Sign Up" button, fill in your details, and create an account to start exploring our courses.
We offer courses across various subjects, including academic subjects, competitive exams, language learning, and professional skills.
Absolutely! You can enroll in multiple courses simultaneously and access them at your convenience.
Once you have signed up, browse our courses, select a course that interests you, and click "Enroll" to join.
Yes, Oops! Study is fully optimized for mobile devices, allowing you to learn anytime, anywhere.

Frequently Asked Questions For Teacher

Still you have any questions? Contact our Team via
Oops! Study allows teachers to create and deliver courses to students around the world, providing flexible teaching options and a dynamic learning environment.
You can apply to become a teacher by signing up on the platform and submitting an application, which includes your credentials and teaching experience. Our team will review your application.
We look for teachers with expertise in their subject areas, teaching experience, and a passion for education. Specific qualifications may vary depending on the course.
Teachers are paid based on student enrollments and course completion. Specific payment details are outlined in our teacher compensation policy.
Yes, you are free to create and teach multiple courses across different subjects, depending on your expertise.
You can interact with students via live sessions, message boards
We provide technical support, resources for course creation, and tips to help you engage your students effectively.
Yes, you can update your course content at any time, whether it’s adding new materials, revising lessons, or updating assessments.
You can monitor your students’ progress through your teacher dashboard, where you’ll find analytics on student performance and engagement.